Friday, July 6, 2012

Facebook Death Announcements

If I get hit by a Mack truck tomorrow, please and I mean PUH-LEASE, don't put anything on Facebook about my death.  How is anybody supposed to respond to that?  By clicking on the stupid-ass "like" icon?  I'm not making this shit up, people.  Today a Facebook Friend announced her father's passing by making a blasting Facebook announcement complete with picture.  People responded by hitting the "like" icon. Maybe I'm missing something, but I find nothing to "like" about somebody dying. 

While we're at it, vacation season is in full swing.  I don't want a minute-by-minute blow of your family road trip and constant status updates.  Facebook is not your personal travel journal.  Save it for somebody who cares.  What?  Nobody cares?  Not even your own kids who are along on the trip with you?  Should be a clue.

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