Sunday, October 16, 2011

Unions in America

I'm a little pissed off about the negative spin unions are getting.  Somehow, I don't think that people earning a decent wage, having health insurance, and a decent pension upon retirement are evil.  I also don't think that treating employees with fair, consistent, humane standards are inherently evil, either.  Why is their outrage against THAT?

Yes, union officials shot themselves in the foot years back when they became the greedy, power hungry, dick-heads they rallied against.  Union employees shot themselves in the foot when they became a lot of spoiled, complacent whiners. They are partly to blame for their own demise. 

At the local government level, the greediest players securing obnoxious pensions for themselves were NOT part of the union or part of a union contract, but the back lash is dressed up in that.  The ones with the highest pensions helped themselves.  The Press Democrat just can't come out and make that distinction.  Rod Dole et al are laughing all the way to the bank.

On the private employer side, I have seen employers file bankruptcy leaving behind unpaid wages and such.  The employers CRIED and swore under oath they had no money anywhere to pay their debts.  I find out later that as they stiffed their employees, they were taking a cruise around the world.  Fuckers.

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