Thursday, October 20, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Who is occupying Wall Street?  What is their message?  Why is not an ordained leader coming to the forefront with a solid message?  I'll tell you why.....  BECAUSE THE MOVEMENT IS YOUR CONSCIENCE!!!!  Some how, remember when you were a little kid and you beat up another little kid and stole his lunch money?  Somewhere, deep down in your GUT, you knew it was wrong and you felt GUILTY. Remember when you had the ice cream cone and waved it in front of the face of the kid who did not have any?   You knew on some level it wasn't right, but nobody was there to beat you over the head and tell you otherwise.  Nobody knew but YOU that what you did was wrong.  That's who we are.  We are that sneaky little feeling that can't be surpressed any longer..... Now skeptics are demanding an individual human form to the movement (politician form, mind you) to materialize out of nowhere and validate what you already know?  It's like demanding God to appear in human form and run for office.  It ain't gonna happen......

Of course nobody for the Occupy Wall Street Movement wants to come to the forefront and claim the spotlight.  That would dilute the message of the masses.  The movement is not about crowning an individual king.  The movement is not about being an individual 'attention whore' to use it for political gain (cough, cough, democrats -- fuck you).   It's about the politicians already in place DOING THE RIGHT THING.  The movement is not about any individual or any particular agenda or party line.  It's about the politicians KNOWING they did NOT represent the common good as they PROMISED and selling us all out to their greedy masters for their own gain.  Get a fucking grip, media, would you?  Can't anybody in this day and age grasp the concept of a movement wanting to do something for the common good without grandstanding and giving accolades to specific individuals?  No donations needed.  No PAC has been formed.  Imagine that....fuckers.....

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