Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: No More Smelly Bums

Wow..... Sorry, main stream corporate media if you have to put down the movement because a bunch of drug addict derelicts decided to crash it.  Damn hoodlums.  Is that the best you can do?  We will direct said homeless to your house to piss and bathe in your pool.  You ARE compassionate CHRISTIANS, aren't you?????  You're not going to turn them away, are you??????  Now THAT would be hypocrisy.  You have sooooooooo much abundance, right?  You're willing to share, right????  You don't fall into the "I have mine (at your expense) so go fuck yourself" mold you're blasting, right?  You are so much better and more generous than the lousy OWS losers, right?  GO AHEAD AND SHOW THE WORLD HOW MUCH BETTER YOU ARE!  .....tick, tock.... tick, tock......tick, tock.... tick, tock.... we are waiting.....  nothing.  I thought so. 

I challenge the Republican party to show the homeless  participating in the Occupy Wall Street Movement RIGHT NOW how they have their backs from the nasty, selfish, hypocrite OWS protesters.  Open your home, repubicans (misspelling intentional).  Share your bed.  If you wanted to sway public opinion to your favor from being the uptight, selfish, bastards you are that fueled the movement to begin with, you're totally blowing your opportunity.  I have yet to see one republican charitable gesture outreach or acknowledgment for this movement -- regardless of whether or not they agree with it.    I have yet to see one bank donate a port-a-potty for the cause (the irony of this thought is not lost on me).  Attention Republicans, Wall Street, and Politicians:  Please, PLEASE prove the movement wrong by showing spontaneous generosity and/or compassion with no strings attached. 

It's getting violent and messy.  Good.  This is the biggest fear Wall Street and their puppet politicians fear.  The continuation of this movement will mean the government will be forced to react.

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