Thursday, April 10, 2008

Society Pushing College

Before you all get your undies wadded up in a bunch, I'm not in anyway condoning an uneducated society. I'm completely FOR education as we need to practice questioning and analyzing everything around us at all times and draw conclusions from our experiences.

I have a problem with the message that we give our young people about higher education. We tell them that they need to go to college to obtain a job to GET LOTS OF MONEY. Isn't that the resounding message? Nobody gives a shit about examining our society and meaning of life, etc... just get a job that earns BIG BUCKS to IMPRESS YOUR FRIENDS and BUY A BIG HOUSE and a FANCY CAR. I resent the materialistic aspect we attach to higher education.

Here's the ugly truth that nobody wants to talk about: Most parents will spend thousands upon thousands of dollars sending their kids to college so that the kids can get a job when they graduate earning much less than they expected in a career that has nothing to do with their degree. AND/OR the kids end up taking out loans for their education that will take an entire lifetime to pay off. They start out buried in debt. Nice.

Every month I interview college graduates for positions into a construction-related program. 99% of the college graduates I interview lament that they couldn't find employment that would support a family despite perfect GPA's and such. If they did find a job in their field of study, the hours were horrendous and I hear descriptions of corporate hell. They tell me that they might as well work at Burger King because when they account for all the extra the hours, commute time, etc., they're earning $12 an hour.

1 comment:

CG said...

Again, what happens in the US is happening here.