Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mah-Kumheer Ahneed

Next time I fly I expect to be on the government's "watch" list or "no fly" list (yes, such a scary profile does exist in America, for our own protection from terrorists of course). The reason why is that my name has been changed to a very terrorist profile sounding "Mah-Kumheer Ahneed".

Mah-kumheer Ahneed is not my given name. It's something that has evolved over time. However, my feeling is that there are LOTS of Mah-Kumheer Ahneeds and to single me out would just be unfair. Here's how the name evolved...

Daughter: Maaaaaaaaaawm!

Mom: What?

Daughter: Come heeeeere. I need you!

Mom: What? What do you need?

Daugher: Come here, please...

Mom: What do you need?

Daughter: I need to show you something.

Mom: Well, bring it to me. I'm busy in the kitchen.

Daughter: I can't bring it to you. You have to come here. Mom, I need you.

Mom: Well, it will have to wait. I'm up to my elbows in cleaning out the frige at the moment.

Daughter: Puh-lllleeeeeezzzzz come here? It can't wait.

Mom: Tell me what it is you need?

Daughter: Mah-Kumeer Ahneed you!


CG said...

ROFLMAO!! I heard D saying this!! It's so true!!

Anonymous said...
