Friday, November 29, 2019

Turkey Coma

Do you all have the post-Thanksgiving meal turkey coma?  I certainly do.  I did stay up last night to tear down the meal table and chairs.  I also washed, dried, and put away the crystal and china and got the leftovers all put away neatly in the fridge.  I still have the linens to wash but that will have to wait until after my nap. 

I'm tired today.  I know it's all self-inflicted as I'm so particular about making things from scratch.  However, seeing people enjoy the food I cook gives me great satisfaction and joy. 

Did I get up at the butt-crack of dawn to go out shopping?  NO WAY.  I simply do not have the energy to hit the stores, and to be honest, I don't need any more stuff as I'm in a phase of getting RID of stuff. 

I do need to close out the month financially both personally and for my work today as it's the last banking day of the month and that needs to happen sooner rather than later.  Again, that will have to wait until after my nap.

There's a theme here -- NAP

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