Friday, November 8, 2019

Dating Disclosures

I have a couple of divorced friends who also happen to be very beautiful.  They are out there in the dating world, and it ain't pretty.

During a recent walk with one of them, she was lamenting about what's in the dating pool.  She went on to say that many of her potential beaus are nothing more than opportunists.  Hmmmmm opportunists?  I had never heard that word before used in the context of dating.

Yup.  Opportunists, she said.  I asked her to elaborate.

For starters, once a guy finds out you own your own home, they want to pretty much move in immediately.  She now refuses to let anybody she dates know her domestic status.   She discloses nothing.  She has been burned by letting a couple of her beaus move in - and then had to kick them out.  She got tired of the beaus' expectations that she "fix" their credit and back taxes.  The beaus wanted all the benefits of being married, but did not want to get married, but also wanted their freedom to mess around on the side, well, because, they weren't married.  In her opinion that was OK, because in her words, "Why would I want to commit and chain myself to a pile of messy debt?"

.....and out the door she threw him. 

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