Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sonoma County Homeless

Here's the real deal on why action on homelessness is not happening.  There are several reasons. 

1.  Nobody can escape the law of supply and demand.  As long as Sonoma County is (still) a desirable place to live, land and building will be expensive;
2.  Everybody points to "the government" to take action on homelessness.  The "government" is nothing more than extension of YOU.  What are YOU doing to address it;
3.  Once "the government" steps in and provides free housing, you can bet your @ss EVERYBODY will be a hard luck case and demand assistance;
4.  We already provide subsidized housing.  It's called "the projects." 
5.  Most homeless people have family that kicked them out.  There's a reason for that;
6.  If the government sanctions and provides for the homeless, they become responsible for it.  We live in a litigious society where every banana peel is a liability. It won't be long before somebody sues because the toilets aren't the right height, the bed provided caused back problems, food allergies, one resident harassed another, etc. 

Again, homelessness isn't special to California.  Don't worry.  We will all have to move away soon due to repeated wildfires and all this will be for not. 

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