Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Leaving California

Everybody is talking about leaving California.  California is known to be a very 'blue' state politically.  Where is everybody moving to?  Idaho, which is politically 'red.'

But....the uber liberal blue Californians are so down on red states, and the Californians think they are so intellectually superior to all those red necks....but there the Californians are.....moving to Idaho in droves.   

With all that being said, why do the Californians want to move to Idaho?  Because the red necks don't put up with any crap and can still call a spade a spade without any whiny snowflake repercussions nor threat of a lame lawsuit.  Idaho is clean, nice, and void of everything California invited in to rot it from the inside out. 

Spoiler Alert:  Don't think all you ex-Californians will be welcomed with open arms. You trashed your own state - they don't want you coming in to trash theirs. 

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