Friday, January 5, 2018

Trump Tweets and Stupid Coments

Ok...  I'm not a fan of the current piece of ass that presently sits in the Oval Office.  I bet nobody ever told Trump to his face that he has an old woman's ass and the circular, pursed lips of a something that likes to suck.  Wow.  There's a lot to digest...and then to throw up.

Well, we are full of Trump Tweets.  Quite frankly, I'm sick of it.  I'm bored of the press reporting about how Trump tweeted this and Trump said that.  Grow the f*** cup, press.  The press, at this point, sounds like nothing but a tattle-tale-tale-five-year-old sibling tattling on everything imaginable just trying to get him in trouble.  I'M GOING TO TELL ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!  We already know how immature BOTH of you are.  Now, get a drink of water and brush your teeth before you go to bed, you hear me????  Momma said so.

No, PLEASE do not take this as an endorsement for our current dumb-ass keeping AirForceOne constantly in flight.

I just want more than kindergarten playground-type news reporting.

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