Saturday, January 13, 2018

San Francisco Federal Building

It was a busy day for Quiet Rage.  I had to be at the Federal Court Building in San Francisco at 9:00 am this morning.  Why?  Well, because it was a mandatory mediation hearing for something to do with my job.  It's been a while since I've been to federal court.  For those of you not familiar with San Francisco, city hall, the federal court building, and pretty much all government entities, etc., are all in the same geographical area coined the Civic Center.

The last time I was near the Civic Center in SF I could not walk five feet without some homeless meth head badgering me for money.  Today there were none.  WTF?????  Where did they all go?  I know there has not been any more affordable housing made available (a.k.a. slave quarters).

In talking to employees I asked where all the homeless people went.  The area used to be littered with them.  They all replied that the City of San Francisco has spent a tremendous effort in cleaning the area up and ridding it of all the homeless people.

Really????  And this is supposed to be a "sanctuary city" for all?  I find it ironic that the San Francisco City Hall, where all these "sanctuary city" laws are born do not want the homeless anywhere near them.  NIMBY's.  They don't want to be tripping on homeless people coming and going from work, either.

I think the city council of SF et al should be made personally accountable for all the "sanctuary city" statues they issue.  They would be the first ones to bitch having a homeless encampment on their front lawn.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.  No excuses.  Like "sanctuary city" status????  How about YOU put the homeless up and pay for it....out of YOUR pocket.  Silence and excuses, I thought so.  Your liberal bullshit is just that...bullshit.  Liberals suddenly turn conservative when they're asked to fund and actually co-exist with the "social justice" they demand.  It ain't free.  Don't expect me to pay for it.  You don't want to pay for it, either.  

No, I don't have the answers.  Nobody does.  I just don't grandstand media attention to mandate diversity and "acceptance of all" if I'm not willing to do it and pay for it myself.

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