Sunday, January 28, 2018

CI = Constantly Interuppted

All of these gadgets and technowonders that are supposed to help us save time and organize our lives are turning out to be the opposite.  We can't have a moment of silence and contemplation anymore without something beeping, pinging, or generally nagging us about something that usually turns out to be unimportant 99% of the time.

Just for a moment ponder the following.

How much time do you spend each day just deleting emails?  Yes, I hear you that you have your spam settings set to Fort Knox security, but still, there's always that *one* email that you are looking for that got caught in your spam filter and you end up going through all those other junk messages just to be sure you didn't miss another one that may have actual value to you.

How much time do you spend organizing your emails?  I don't care if you mark them, organize them, and put them neatly into a prioritized "to do" list.  We don't ever really get to it unless it's on fire with dire consequences.  Why?  Because we are constantly bombarded with even more emails to deal with and act upon.

While this is happening, you're trying to deal with technology upgrades and educate yourself on how to work that new phone, new computer, new software, television remote, etc.  You look down and see that you have 11 missed calls and 17 unread text messages.

Oh SNAP.  You realize you're late for an appointment and jump in your car.  There's no peace in the car, either.  Your phone has Bluetooth pairing and your phone continues to ring and ding.  Even the car has computerized gadgets that are demanding your attention and the two are talking over each other.

Just where can we find PEACE and a place for quiet concentration to really absorb a situation or a task where we are not constantly interrupted?

What was the question again?  I was just checking my smartphone.  Sorry.

Oh yeah, a place of techno-free peace.  Just let me reply to this text and we will continue the conversation.

Ok...  I'm here and present now.  Yes.  A place of peaceful retreat.  I have an idea!!!  Let's go to yoga class.  We can center ourselves and ground.  Sounds good - let's GO.

Even yoga has gone to an annoying style.  The current trend is to play hip-hop music and have the instructor in your ear like an overzealous football coach.

So.... I found a place where yoga has a more spiritual, calm and contemplative approach.  Ahhhhhhhhh silent serenity.  Finally.  ....then somebody's damn phone goes off....

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