Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!  By the time it gets to us out here in California it's already old news and everybody east of us is passed out or waking up with an extreme hangover.  I think the only ones that lag behind California by two hours is Hawaii.  We may be last, but not least.  We are just revving up while the rest of you are zonked out.

New Year and Thanksgiving are my favorite holidays.  I love the clean slate the new year allows and the deep breath that it's officially the close of the holidays which can leave us exhausted and depleted. Nobody is expecting much of anything on New Year's except a party and a good time.  I can handle that. 

However, I've noticed a new trend emerging with New Year's.  A lot of people have turned New Year's into introvert time spending a very quiet and contemplative evening at home.  And no, it's just not that I'm turning into an old fart and past my prime party days, it's with the younger people, too.  A bunch of the younger crowd are sick of the commercialism of Christmas and are just happy to hang at home with a couple of friends.  They don't like the crowds and overstimulation of New Year bashes.  They refer to it as "amateur night."  Young female adults can hit the club scene whenever they want to.  New Year is nothing particularly special.  They find that New Year bashes are full of older drunk guys who can't handle their booze hitting on all the twenty-somethings.  Pathetic.  Everything is crowded, full of sloppy drunks, and over-priced.  The young ladies choose not to participate.  They have a code name for the older drunk guy hitting on them:  COD (creepy older dude).

Anyway, got off on a tangent.  What will 2018 bring us?

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