Friday, July 28, 2017

Jack Johnson

Tonight I went to a concert at Berkeley's Greek Theater to see Jack Johnson.  Here in the heart of liberalism I decided to test "diversity" by going into the men's bathroom as the line for the women's was REALLy long and I REALLY had to pee.

You know the stupidity of the bathroom wars (transgender, whatever) and everybody all parading around these days shouting, "You can Pee Next to Me" and other little sayings and slogans to all get us to a gender neutral bathroom.

So, that's what we did -- three of us gals just marched into the men's bathroom to the empty stalls.  Guess what.  The earth did not stop spinning on its axis.

As the night went on I was disappointed in the audience for Jack Johnson.  Nobody was a moovin and a groovin except for my group.  It's pretty sad when a bunch of middle aged white women from Sonoma County are the weirdo hippies at the concert and have to instigate action.  Everybody else just sat there like a stick in the mud. 

Since when did Berkeley become so uptight and white? 

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