Friday, July 14, 2017

Bastille Day 2017

Exactly one year ago today I was on a boat on the River Seine having an awesome dinner with an up close and personal view of the fabulous fireworks show off the Eiffel Tower.  The entire city of Paris was on edge that day.  Eyes were everywhere.  As the fireworks show concluded and the crowd was disbursing (prime time for shit to go down) I saw a house ablaze across the river. 

It was at that exact moment I had a sinking feeling something was wrong somewhere as in terrorist stuff as my gut was talking to me.

My intuition was spot on, but my location was off.  At that moment at the other end of the country in Marseille some whack job terrorist decided to drive a truck into a crowd and kill a bunch of people. 

Who da thunk that one year later France would get the pleasure of hosting yet another terrorist on Bastille Day -- from the United States of America at that.  Granted, this terrorist dresses in a suit and a tie but the antics are just as bad if not worse. 

Enough of that.  In honor of France I'm listening to Edith Piaf radio on Pandora.  She had a messed up, tragic life and ended up dying while in the nut house.  Given what the woman went through, I'm surprised she didn't self destruct earlier.  She did take a stand against the German troops during WWII who would come and listen to her sing.  Gutsy, brash, clever little thing -- love her. 

Anyway, here are my two favorite Edith Piaf songs.  Don't ask me why as they just are.

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