Saturday, July 29, 2017

Bird on a Wire: Energy Conservation

Here's a tidbit of information that you'll find interesting.  Are you aware that there is a LOT of electricity that is wasted because of the aging transmission system of old power lines and cables?  Take a look up at the power lines that distribute electricity.  The vast majority are at least 40 years old and have lost efficiency due to corrosion, age, etc.  It's been said by those in authority on the matter if we invested in new transmission lines we would save an enormous amount of electricity and the polluting environmental impacts involved in creating electricity.  Yes, we would lessen our carbon footprint substantially.

Wow.  Replacing all those power lines seems like a big job.  It is, but it seems like the most obvious thing we could do to conserve energy and reduce environmental impact.  It's something so attainable and doable and not some futuristic pie in the sky far fetched fantasy that some engineering geek wrote for a graduate thesis.  It's not glamours nor attention grabbing.  Maybe that's why the obvious is being ignored. 

How about this for simplicity on replacing aged distribution systems:  Start by simply observing the power lines in the winter time and look for the power lines that have the most birds on it.  Why?  Because inefficient power lines exude escaping heat that the birds love to sit on. 

I bet you'll never look at a power line in the wintertime the same way again.  Each time you look up and see a bunch of birds on a wire you'll know that an aging, inefficient line needs to be replaced and that it's losing about 50% capacity. 

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