Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Strung Out Phamacist

I know I'm getting older and that AARP membership along with the senior discount is just around the corner.  Everybody looks like a kid to me now.  Policemen, firemen, doctors, financial planners, all look like they just graduated from high school. 

Not too long ago I had to take my young adult daughter to the pharmacy.  We approach the counter.  The pharmacist was immediately smitten with my daughter and he looked to be a young whipper snapper.  However, as he fumbled around looking for a form I could not help but notice he had that "loook" of somebody who was high on something.

We waited.  He looked around for a form.  We waited some more.  He fumbled around some more.  Finally, my daughter pointed to a pad of forms about a foot away from the customer window.  Basically, they were right in front of him the entire time.  He hands us the form to complete. 

After we completed the form we waited longer so he could find the medication needed and process it.  This seemed to take an eternity.  The young pharmacist kept looking at my daughter. 

My daughter leaned over to me and said, "Check out the pharmacist, mom.  He's strung out and high on something and he wants to ask me out.  I can tell." 

No kidding.

We finally completed the transaction and as we were leaving my daughter said, "What kind of a pharmacist is stoned on the job?  He looked like he just smoked a big, fat one coming from the skate park to report to work."

Yup.  This is our new workforce.  We are drug testing the wrong work pool. 

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