Thursday, December 22, 2016

Putin in U.S. Politics

..,I told all you morons about a year ago that Snowden seeking refuge in Russia was no accident.  And NOW the press and intel agencies are figuring out that Russia is hacking?  DUH!!!!  I'm STILL waiting for the press to put that together.  Nobody has the guts to publish it. 

Jesus Christ.  Stupid is as stupid does.  told you so.

Let's boil this down.  Russia hacked.  So what.  What did they find?  That Clinton and the DNC tried to fuck over Sanders and that the Clinton Foundation was nothing more than a money laundering mill.  We all found out the truth.  Sorry about the timing. 

Foul play?  Really?  Disclosing the truth should not be timed to an election.   Clinton et al fucked themselves. 

...and NO... I do not like he-who-shall-not-be-named.  He is just a side circus act detracting from what is truly the main act. 

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