Friday, July 1, 2016

Europe: Ready or not, here I come

It's here.  I'm starting to pack. Europe seemed like it was always a far-out future event.  I still have nightmares where I'm at the airport and find that I have left my passport at home...and the plane leaves without me or I'm running after it.

I'm looking forward to seeing CG from England.  I'm certain she is SICK of everybody asking her about Brexit.  I do have but a few questions for her:
1.  Who is Dick Pound?
2.  Is he a wanker?
3.  What is the difference between a wanker and a bloke?
4.  May I order a "big beer" and not be cause for embarrassment?
Just kidding, CG, I won't ask any of these things in public;)
On a more serious note, I'm looking forward to my food not being covered in CILANTRO as everything is in California (everybody assumes that everybody loves it - it tastes like SOAP to me).  But...the trade-off is that I have to deal with white pepper instead of black pepper.

Other side event:  I get to go to Delft to visit my great-great-great (breathless count) grandfather's grave - William the Silent - aka William of Orange.  Yes, I'm a bastard offspring of his but it will be meaningful to me to see the origin of my messed up family dynamics.  LOL.

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