Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Speeches of Presidential Wives

Quiet Rage is in Europe.  News of the copy-cat speeches of Michelle Obama and Bimbo-melanoma have made it across the Atlantic despite terrorists blowing shit up on their national holiday. 

Everybody is blaming speech writers for the situation.  Dig deeper, people, as there is a much more troubling angle to this.  If somebody has to write your speech FOR you that indicates to me the words spoken are not genuine to your soul.  Fake. 

It just solidifies my belief even more that politicians, et al, are nothing more than programmed robots.  Wait!!  I have an idea.  I'm going to write in C3PO (the robot from Star Wars) on my election ballot.  I think we all should just cut to the chase and elect a robot that speaks.  Siri (the iPhone femmebot) should be his running mate.

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