Monday, October 19, 2015

Overpopulation and Global Warming

I'm no expert on global warming.  I'm no expert on overpopulation other than the fact the humans, as a species, are totally overrated.  As the world population continues to swell, each and every person will drain precious natural resources that are diminishing by the hour in conjunction with fighting for economic survival. 

Let's face it.  Most humans are selfish, psycho, pains-in-the-ass. 

Which brings me to global warming.  I think we are being fed the 'lite' version of what's really happening.  If we really knew the escalating impacts of our weather patterns it would cause wide spread panic and the global melt down of governments and markets.  There goes your retirement 401(k). 

Think about it.  Weather extremes are happening in greater variances and in greater frequency.  Not so very long ago a winter coat and gloves were a necessity in Sonoma County.  My favorite winter coat has not been worn for 4 years now.  It just simply has not been cold enough.  The heat factor is now driving people from the LA area away.  What?  People moving away from San Diego and LA, California's poster child for weather envy, because it's too hot? 

Something is going on that we are not being told the complete truth about.  Of course it's in the Republicans best interests to deny global warming.  It would destroy their short-sighted version of how much money they can control and would require a new way of thinking.  Nobody likes it when their ideals are challenged -- even if it's right.

OK.  So global warming is real and we are all in for a rude awakening.  Even so, just what do we do with all the PEOPLE? 

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