Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Milestone Birthday Parties

A guy I work with is having a milestone birthday.  His wife sent out 'save the date' notices a few months ago.  Really?  I've always been confused about 'save the date' notices.  What does that mean, exactly.  Is it an invitation?  No.  Is it a preview of coming attractions?  I guess.

The invitation did arrive in the mail.  I will give the birthday boy and his wife credit for that much.  Constantly registering my whereabouts and social events for the entire world to see online is not for me.

I was quickly turned off when the invitation came and it was clear that money was needed to attend.  Apparently, this event rivals a wedding in scope as it includes details as to where to book a hotel room and shuttle service to the venue.  "Call now to reserve your room for the specially negotiated price.  Ask for the (insert name) Birthday Party Room Block," the invitation instructed.

If the party was for a good, close, personal friend I would probably attend.  This is hardly the case.  This party is being hosted by The Scammers who are more than likely going to write off the entire cost of the party on their taxes being they included "business" associates.  Plus, they will bank the proceeds from the bar and cover charge and also get a few nights of a free hotel room for the block they reserved using their hotel rewards number.

Don't invite me to a for-profit business endeavor that is being disguised as a birthday party.   If I sound cynical just know that I have worked with the Scammers for 20 years.  I know their game....all too well...  I wish I could give them more credit.  Why should I pay to attend a social event?  Why should I give up my time on the weekend?  I don't pretend to be their friend.  I wish they would stop pretending they are mine.

 I did gracefully and politely decline the invitation. 

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