Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Global Warming and Southern Florida

At this very moment I an looking out onto the water from my Miami hotel room.  It's only April and I can't even imagine this place in June - September.  The people here are a weird mix of relocated New York Jews, European tourists, and third world refugees.

For the past couple of nights I have dined and "partied" at the Miami South Beach scene hot spots that are supposedly exclusive.  I beg to differ.

I find South Beach in general very desperate and depressing.  It's full of vacant space for rent and art deco facades that have been neglected for decades.  There are attempts to make South Beach pretty much like Tammy Faye Baker and her layes of makeup.  There is a plethoria of debauchary.  Expect to get hussled at every street corner.  It's full of the spring break types who are still thrilled showing their real ID to get served alcohol and then sneak off to the bathroom to snort coke.  Bottom line:  Hooters and hoods.

I kind of giggle to myself that the real South Beach is nothing like they want to portray in advertising....much like the teenaged hype of the clothing line "Hollister."  People who are not from California think Hollister is some cool, trendy, chic beach town.  People who are from California know that it's really a shit-hole of a town in the armpit central valley that is nowhere near a beach.  Agriculture is Hollister's main industry - imagine lettuce and tomato pickers in dusty, hot winds under a scortching sun.

Anyway, I don't know why some re-located New Yorkers think this is paradise and have invested in their HUGE yachts, high rise condos, etc.  They walk around complete with their cheesy bling, gold necklaces hitting on every female within range.  Oh well, I suppose they should enjoy it before this entire place is submerged due to rising ocean levels.

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