Monday, June 24, 2013


I can't wait for this fall.  I get to go to D.C. and hear the General Michael Hayden, Former Director of both the CIA and NSA, speak in a closed session just for my industry group.  It's hard to get excited about anything related to my job, but this one has me waiting... 

By nature I'm an inquisitive sort of person.   I also have an uncanny ability to cut through B.S. and make people choke on their own words.  A lot of times my victims don't even realize what's happened to them until it's over.  I subtly let them know I'm on to them, but I don't show my full hand.  A person with genuine integrity spills their guts and fesses up.  A liar keeps on going, and going, and going... fabricating their lies....eventually they hang themselves. 

It's amazing how many people - even when caught red handed - still try to deny lying/stealing when faced with irrefutable facts and evidence.  They wiggle and squirm.  They invent scenarios.  Still, they will not admit to anything.  A popular ploy for the liar is to try to deflect any accusations to the accuser.  Some blame everybody and everything else except themselves.  Then there is the world-famous, "Who?  Me???  That can't BE?"

I think I missed my calling as a CIA agent.  I prefer to work in the shadows, I don't need any recognition to feed my ego, and LOVE it when I'm underestimated.  

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