Sunday, June 9, 2013

No Privacy

OMG... it's about time you dumb asses started to figure out you have NO privacy whatsoever.  Granted, a lot of what is being hyped through the media is designed to shock and awe, but the underlying principle is the same: NOTHING you post on the internet -- including your "private" emails are actually private.

Of course Google, Facebook, Yahoo, etc., have issued media statements to the contrary saying how government snooping is a big no-no.  What a joke.  .  It's all PUBLIC snooping.  Google is the biggest violator sending guys on little motor scooters wearing helmets with cameras to map your neighborhood and address of record without your consent.  BTW... your car needs a wash and  your front lawn is full of weeds.  Oh, and you're recycling bin has a LOT of wine bottles in it. 

However, read the internet giants' statements closely..... they all say they don't fork over information directly to the government.  They say nothing about the corporations they sell advertising and marketing data to -- and what happens to your personal information thereafter.   The government gets the information third party from the advertising and marketing corporations that feed their political campaigns.  How else does the little side bar advertisements specifically pointed to your age, gender, and income level magically appear (including your need for Viagra)?  DUH. 

You think your Yahoo email, gmail, hotmail, and Facebook stuff is FREE?  You truly are idiots if you think all of this offered to you for nothing.  There is a price -- even if it does not come in the form of a monthly bill.  All you morons see is "free" and the ability to post pictures of yourselves. 

How do they get away with it?  I can see you all collectively shaking your angry fist, but you all need to punch yourselves first.  You all never read the fine print when you sign up for your "free" email, app, whatever.  You all hit the "I agree" to the privacy policies and such when you download your latest Angry Birds version as quickly as possible without wincing.  Buried in the legalese you sold your soul to the devil.... fore FREE I might add. 

The Chinese are laughing...and hacking....  no wonder they contain tight control over their own population and internet activity.   They see the example as to what NOT to allow. 

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