Friday, June 7, 2013

My Circle: Sacred Sisters

Roaming around the Scottsdale, Arizona area like a true desert nomad a couple of months ago, I stumbled upon this COMPLETE circle.  I first saw this circle at TYD's cabin on Spirit Lake this winter in Minnesota.  She had it on the coffee table.  I was immediately mesmerized by it.  TYD's version had five in the circle.  My sacred sisterhood has seven.

When I saw this at some funky hippie shop collecting dust in the corner I HAD to have it as the 'circle' was complete as it had all seven of us.  I got it for a song and a dance being it was slightly chipped and damaged.  I would have paid a LOT of money for it.. the symbolism meant that much to me. 

What was weird was that I was thinking about TYD's mom because she  passed away just days prior to my trip to Arizona while I was wondering around the hippie shop.  I remembered TYD's mother from my childhood for her orchids, and also her love for Latin America.  I was thinking about the conversation TYD and  I had driving from Mille Lacs to Minneapolis when I was there in February.. we were talking about our parents, how short life is, that it's all messed up, and to just live and love without judgement.

The thoughts of TYD and her mom were playing in my head when I found the circle of seven wondering around some nameless tourist trap souvenir shop. 

.  See all you betches in July!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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