Monday, April 1, 2013

Fun With Peeps

Q:  What appears out of this air and multiplies faster than Mexicans?
A:  Peeps.

I do not buy Easter candy.  It seeps in through the walls.  I have no idea where it comes from, but there it is on my dining room table.  Low quality Easter candy is the butt of jokes this week.  Some stupid, silly fun with peeps is to put the chicks in hot chocolate so they have their own private pond to float on.  Another is to put them in the microwave and watch them puff, warp, and melt.  They do make great rice krispy treats when melted down.

....pathetic.... I know.....  what do you expect from a person who put firecrackers in fresh cow manure as a kid to watch it explode for entertainment?

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