Friday, April 19, 2013

Sick Kids

No, this is not an insult thrown at snotty teens.  It's not fair when kids suffer from diseases.  My 18 year old niece was diagnosed with an incurable, debilitating disease when she was 9.  A round of treatment has kept the disease at bay until recently.  Now it's back with a vengance.  She is keeping such a brave face.  I know she is scared out of her mind. 

To add insult to injury,  my niece's 20 year old brother has had a mole removed from his back.  The concern is skin cancer.  As if this family isn't going through enough.  I can't imagine what the mother and father are going through emotionally. 

It makes all the times they trekked mud in my house, drew on the walls with crayon, and dumped baby powder in my fish tank when they were little seem so unimportant and not worth being upset about.

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