Saturday, February 16, 2013

We need JOBS!!!!!!!

WE NEED JOBS seems to be the mantra of the nation.  Ok.  Fine.  Employers need people who actually want to work. 

What I'm about to describe is a true story.  In Richmond, California, which is described as 'ghetto' by some, has a large delivery service company operating there with a distribution center located within city limits. Translation = lots of jobs WITH BENEFITS and DECENT PAY. 

LOCAL JOBS FOR LOCAL PEOPLE seems to be the en vogue battle cry as of late.  We've all heard that whine from local labor leaders.  Hiring local puts money back into the local economy, or so they say.  Local hire eliminates unemployment and poverty, or so the clueless do-gooders claim. 

How about this?  Despite the fact that this large delivery service pays decent wages and benefits, they have a hard time in Richmond having drivers show up to work.  Richmond employees call in sick, they don't call in at all, slip on a banana peel and file permanent disability, etc.  The Richmond center has to transfer in employees from other areas in the Bay Area to cover Richmond, which is CRYING for businesses to give their people jobs and lift them out of poverty.  

Uh..... you got offered a job.... you did not show up.  This isn't rocket science, but if you don't show up for your job, chances are it will piss your employer off and you will get fired.  Now you want welfare and have the audacity to cry poor mouth and whine for more benefits at taxpayer expense? 

Stay in your ghetto.  We tried.  You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.  Don't come looking to me for more welfare money for your 14 kids, either. 

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