Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Facebook: Popularity Contest for the Unpopular

Like I need any more reasons to hate the most popular app some college kid created to degrade the chicks who refused to date him. The irony is that the most prominent users now on Facebook are bored wives on Prozac. 

Most of the general population (i.e., bored moms on Prozac and the bored/underemployed) think they "need" Facebook to be visible in this day and age.  You don't.  You only look like a needy, pathetic ass if you're fishing for "likes" on your business or latest money-making scheme endeavor. 

No, I don't want to see pics of your company manager's 44th birthday where she has posted a pic of herself licking a phallic-shaped-something with flames.  So professional -- not.  No, I don't want to see your frat-party-wannabe drinking contest pics posted, either.  You are waaaaaaaaay past the age where this was once thought remotely cool.  Now you look like a pathetic dork who tries to look like a gangster downing shots with other drunk ass-wipes along with those in the background with their hats turned backwards and making duck lips at the camera. 

Yeah, you're bad...... sooooooooo bad.

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