Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Moonlighting in State Government

Just when I think the Santa Rosa Press Democrat is nothing more than bird cage liner....along comes a commentary about moonlighting in the California State Government.  Maybe the Press Democrat staff are reading my dumb-ass blog.  Whatever.

I've been telling you all for years that politicians don't give one ***k about you.  All they want is to make it to the next rung on the state political ladder where they rake in a salary/pension/benefits and only PRETEND to care about you. 

Look at this photo of a slick dick-head.  Michael Allen lost a local election recently.  He really does not give a _____ about you.  He got "appointed" to a state job that pays a living wage (which he SAYS he lobbies for).

Michael Allen is the epitome of everything that is WRONG with government.  He says he's for the working guy when all he really cares about are his own political appointments and status. 

Hint to Michael Allen:  take your cheesy game show host smile down to Southern California or where ever people are influenced by bright, shiny objects. 

Now the cry that California is broke and we need to PAY MORE TAXES.  Look at above photo and refuse.  This ass has been milking the system and will continue to do so until we SAY NO!!!!!!

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