Friday, September 5, 2008

Starbucks Dating Scene

No, this isn't about me. This is about one of the Starbucks employees attempting to line himself up with a date with another Starbucks employee. I was there in the background like a fly on the wall to witness his moves and dialogue. The young man initiating the date is a boy I've known since he was 5.

I should have coached him better as a youngster when he used to spend a lot of time at our house... His lines could have been better.

It just cracked me up to see this little boy, who is now a young man, hitting on this young lady. This is the same little boy who used to spend the night at our house and then begin to cry for his mommy in the middle of the night. I would end up driving him home as he clutched his favorite blanket with all of his might until his mommy was in sight. This is the same little boy who barfed all over me at the pizza place when we were all out to dinner.

Now I'm witnessing him as a handsome young man sporting a goatee and picking up chicks. Where did all the years go? I didn't dare say hello to him while he was trying to set himself up with a date. I'm just like a mom to him. I would have embarrassed him to no end. I just blended into the background and watched. He didn't even know I was there.

I so wanted to blurt out, "I'm not giving you a ride home tonight if you wake up crying and screaming for your mommy!"

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