Sunday, September 14, 2008

Damn... Texas is Still Here

I've been out of the network news loop for the past few days. Network news gets boring. And yes, Sarah Palin's teenage daughter is STILL pregnant -- I guess the apple doesn't fall from the tree. However, this is not a rant about Sarah Palin the human pez dispenser and her exact likeness daughter.

While I was at a youth sporting event yesterday I was told by other parents on how Hurricane Ike was about to hit Texas and had potential for possibly annihilating Texas off the map. My mouth began to drool. Could there really be a God? Talk about excitement. "Tell me MORE, tell me MORE," I begged of the mom telling the tale...much like the character from the movie Grease singing the catchy ditty asking questions of Olivia Newton John's crush on John Travolta.

Doooo wop, da do doooo wop, da do doooooo wop wop.....dooty doot doot doo doo

"They told the people who chose not to evacuate coastal Texas to write their social security number and name on their arm so their bodies could be identified," the mom stated.

We immediately busted out laughing at the thought of white trash people scrounging the house for a writing utensil knowing said search would be like looking for a straight male at an Indigo Girls concert, and then, once the writing utensil was found, the look of confusion and exasperation on desperately trying to spell one's name.

In glimpsing the headlines this morning, Texas still exists. Damn. Maybe next time.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

As I read the news of Ike I kept hoping the Bushies were having a family reunion.