Friday, September 12, 2008

(H)Orroville, California

I have just returned from a trip up to see Flywriter and her husband. They live waaaaay up in Northern California. As I drove up Interstate 5 I could begin to see the inbreeding amongst the populace and sense the IQ dropping drastically. The proliferation of large American flags on full size Ford trucks with McCain bumper stickers was also another clue. However, I was not fully prepared to be horrified by the stories told to me at dinner.

Do you remember the movie Deliverance? People like that actually do exist in the surrounding hills. I was told of tough, masculine, outdoorsy people who do not dare trek in the hills any longer for fear of being complimented on having a "pretty mouth."

As I was sitting on the beautiful patio of my friend's home sipping my red wine viewing their magnificent property and the surrounding breath-taking mountainous scenery, I was utterly blown away that in the very hills I was admiring resided half-human looking orks that engaged in activities that not even the sickest mind could imagine.

I was also told of how packs of them will come down from out of the hills to shop at WalMart or Costco to get supplies and then return to their hillbilly homes. Most of them are grossly overweight, have not bathed, and their children live like dogs. I was told of how they live in shacks filled with human and animal feces on all surfaces. GROSS!

This is CALIFORNIA! We're supposed to be on the forefront of human evolution, or at very least not inbred psychopaths. OMG, what about the rest of the country? I'm afraid. I'm very, very afraid. These people vote.


CG said...

OMG is this TRUE???

The Quiet Rage said...

Yes, CG, it's true... I was just as shocked and horrified. I did not think something like this existed in this day and age.

What frightens me more is that they would more than likely carry the human race forward in the event of an earthly catastrophy.

Anonymous said...

Yep ~ 'tis the evolution of the species when it's exposed to everything BUT ... what it needs to thrive. Terribly sad, and I'll agree with my friend that if the human race doesn't wake up and smell the coffee sooner rather than later? They more than likely will indeed become our future; manipulated and abused to the end by the money'd few who have brought us to this mess in the first place. It's to THEIR advantage ~ for the easily led and mentally deficient to multiply...

"Idiocracy" ~ watch the film, and then ask yourself why ... it was squashed so hardly anyone even knew it existed?

just win baby said...

I here the price of Pork and Mutton in those parts is outrages. (sequel like a pig for me boy) A quote fro the movie Deliverance.