Thursday, September 4, 2008

Random Acts of Kindness: The Lady at Starbucks

Just when I think everybody on the planet should be gunned down, somebody surprises me with a random act of kindness that restores my faith in humanity. No bitter rant today, just one where a complete stranger showed remarkable generosity and kindness.

Today when I made my daily trek to the local Starbucks to get my caffeine fix and snack, I brought along my gift card to pay for my purchases. The gift card I have is one that I keep refilling when it gets below a certain balance. Much to my embarrassment, the balance on my card was not enough to cover my coffee and snack. Of course, I did not bring along my purse. I sheepishly told the cashier that I didn't have any other of method of payment on me, and apologized profusely and placed the sandwich back on the counter. The lady in line in back of me piped up and said, "I'll purchase your coffee and sandwich for you today."

I couldn't believe my ears. I was astonished that a complete stranger offered to help me out. I thanked her up and down. I was stunned. In retrospect, I should have gotten her name and address so I could repay her. The gesture was just so unexpected and out of the blue. I will never, EVER forget her random act of kindness. I will follow her example to aid somebody else....


Anonymous said...

'Tis the way the universe reminds us amongst the stupidity there is still hope and light :-) And I do believe you in your way have "paid it forward" more than a time or two my dear; this was karma tapping you on the shoulder ...

5 and counting till vino & venting at the Casa!!

CG said...

How lovely!