Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wedding Shakedown Part II: I Hit a Nerve

Wow... My e-mail was full of letters from people who are also sick of being cast as extras in Hollywood productions that masquarade as weddings. I did receive a couple of comments on my blog from CG and Heart, but I had no idea the nerve I hit until I opened my e-mail to the deluge of letters on the subject. I guess some people are just shy about leaving comments on blogs.

One person wrote, "I am also sick of receiving wedding invitations from people I hardly know. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I received an invitation recently to a wedding where I had never even MET the bride or groom. The groom's mother is a work acquaintance. I have no business being invited to a wedding where neither the bride nor groom recognize me."

Another wrote, "I'm so glad I'm not alone out there. It seems like so many couples these days are just trolling for cash and/or gifts."

Another wrote, "OMG, I thought I was a bitch for not appreciating the destination wedding gig. It sounds so glamorous and all. Couples planning a wedding need to put thought into what their guests can realistically afford in regards to not only money but also time needed to participate in and/or attend the wedding."

Quiet Rage is glad to open up the subject matter and bring it out of the closet. My advice to all still remains the same: Gracefully decline the wedding invitation, and send a card with sincere congratulations (no money enclosed). Maybe -- just MAYBE -- they will get the message that a sacred moment is not for profit.


Dianne said...

Amen! and don't get me started on the engagement party, then the briday shower, then the wedding, then a baby shower 30 seconds after conception!

I have a little gift for you at my blog. You'll probably hate it but tough **** ;)

Shelly said...

Ohh noo...I read about your blog over at Diannes and now I can't stop It's been a summer of weddings and my budget is tapped out.

The Quiet Rage said...

Dianne, thank you... I never thought just being a bitch and venting would ever get me any positive reinforcement;)

Shelly, thanks for coming by. Sounds like you've been subject to wedding overload as well.