Monday, August 11, 2008


FlyWriter came down for a visit this weekend. It had been a long, long time since we were able to get together to eat, consume large quantities of wine, and bitch about what's wrong with the world. Ahhhhh, if ONLY everybody could be like US! HA!

In the marathon venting process that lasted until the wee hours of the morning, FlyWriter provided me with more blog material than I could ever dream up on my own. Sadly, it's all true life experiences... Yes, the world is full of obnoxious, ignorant assholes. We couldn't decide if we should laugh or cry. We did a little of both. The variation of stages of human evolution that exist within the human race are too much to take at times. At least FlyWriter can help me progress forward from being constantly pissed off at the a-holes to laughing at them. I suppose my next step at some point is to pity them for they don't know how stupid and obnoxious they really are. LOVE YA, FLYWRITER!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... you too buddy. There is something profoundly therapeutic in time spent with a kindred soul. And lordy; it is soooooooo much easier to navigate around this illusion we're living if we learn to take it all with a large grain of salt; a healthy sense of humor; and a "bless ya, but get the **ck out of my energy sphere" attitude towards the truly clueless and obnoxious souls amongst us. Bless them in their stupidity and hope they come back more enlightened souls the next time around.

'Tis a process to get to that point though; the good stuff don't come easy, especially in the face of such eons of human ignorance. Ah well ~ let's all just keep working at it until we finally get it right OK? For the children.....

Love ya too buddy; vino and floaties in the pool ... get thy bod up here!!!!!