Thursday, July 17, 2008

Worried Customers Ask: Is my bank safe?

That's the headline of today's Santa Rosa, California Press Democrat. My answer is: What the fuck do you think?

The article goes on how customers are walking into their banks and asking these questions to the bank officers and employees. ....and the worried bank account holders expect an honest answer from them after these same institutions have lied to them and coaxed them into financial products that were not in their customers' best interest?

We're supposed to believe our media and government spokespeople on the statistics and figures they present to us regarding the economy are accurate after we've all been blatantly misled? The rats have abandoned the ship -- and they're trying to have us be the ones to sink with it. Helloooooooooooooo???!!!

We have all been bullshitted for so long, nobody knows the truth anymore. We have been bamboozled with impressive, intelligent-sounding, financial voodoo math formulas that were merely a smoke-and-mirrors ploy meant to distract us from what was really going on in all sectors of the financial markets -- greed, greed, GREED!

If something is complicated and difficult to follow, like the voodoo math used in calculating and creating complex loans and other financial investment vehicles, rest assured it's NO GOOD. It's all confusing for a reason, folks, because they don't want YOU to figure out that YOU'RE getting RIPPED OFF AND TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF!

Here's your mantra for the day: SIMPLE IS GOOD.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Greed, greed, greed!

and lies

and tricks

But hey, guess I'm just "whining"