Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Summer Solstice

Yes, I recognize the summer solstice with my soul (sol) sisters.  Last night it happened here at approximately 2:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time.  Is it possible to be Christian, pagan, wicca, Mussar, simultaneously?  I'm going to say YES.  

After the ritual I went to sleep.  It was late.  I had a dream about Natalie who was a childhood friend and she died recently.  In my dream I knew she was dead, but she was standing there talking to me.  I told her about all the things that remind me of her to this day.  I spent a lot of time at Natalie's house growing up.  She was very funny and we had a lot of inside jokes that nobody but us would ever understand.  I told her I was sad that I did not get to say goodbye before she passed.  She smiled.  

Also in the dream was my cousin, Karey, who died in a car accident when I was 16 and she was 15 .  Her spirit is troubled.  Life was cut short and she's resentful and rebellious. 

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