Monday, June 20, 2022

Free Money - NOT

 During the COVID pandemic when everybody was freaking out about the economy our printing presses were issuing money at breakneck speed.  Politicians had no idea how, where, what, the long-term effect would be.  All politicians wanted to do was shove money in people's pockets immediately and damn the long-term consequences. 

Here's the problem.  Politicians don't see anything long-term except getting re-elected and holding onto power.  Politicians will tell the people ANYTHING to get a vote not unlike a like a guy trying to get a girl into bed.  

Here's where I'm going.  All this funny money the government issued and distributed has all come home to roost in the form of skyrocketing inflation.  I called it a long time ago.  Of course, I was called an austere, salty beach.  LOL. (exiting soapbox)

On a lighter note, yes, we are all experiencing the pangs of inflation.  Our 10% raise sounded GREAT - until inflation swallowed it up like a frog with a June bug.  A raise is only a raise if everything else remains constant or prices move lower.  What people really want is not a raise, but rather increased purchasing power.  There's a big difference.  Purchasing power is a lot harder to manipulate and control than throwing money at problems and people. 

Here's a little ditty from one of my favorite UNDER rated bands.  It's called Low-Budget.  I think we all can relate in this inflationary environment.  


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