Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Festering Zit Is Popping

 I have been advised by those in "the know" to stay home on Wednesday.  Things are about to get ugly.  Yes, people are pissed off and I can't say I blame them.  All of this anger has been building for 50+ years as social frustrations have been festering under the surface.  I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.  Festering.  Think like a super subterranean zit that is beginning to fester.  You feel it under there as it's sore and tender, but nothing shows on the surface yet.  It's slow to come to the surface, but you feel something under there.  You ignore it as there are no visible signs on your skin, yet.  After a while a red bump appears and you add a little cream to it thinking that should do the trick in making it go away.  Wrong.  The infection lies deep in the skin and adding a mild zit cream to the surface does nothing.  The zit continues to fester and it feels like a volcano on your face that's about to erupt.  Still, you don't pop it as they tell you not to do that as that would cause scarring.  Pretty soon the zit is unbearable and it explodes its oozie yuck causing a huge mess on the mirror.  

That's what is happening with our society right now.  Our zit is about to pop.  Politicians have been applying worthless, superficial social fixes for decades thinking that will make them disappear and placate the voters/public.  Blaming one man for our current ills is a complete cop out.  It's a lot harder to dig deep into what got us to where we are today.  Our problems are complex and we all need to own up (including politicians and their corporate masters) to why we are so divided.  

The hate brigade is not limited to republican pro-Trump rebels.  Every day I see posts from so-called liberals published in the media that are insulting, name calling, dismissing, and ostracizing anybody who disagrees with them.  I'm shocked that it's published in our local news papers because if it came from the other side it would be considered hate speech.  Same with social media.  Hate speech is OK as long as it has a so-called liberal bias.  Both sides have demonstrated bullying to severe degrees. 

Don't just blame one side for stirring the pot and being intolerant.  Hate is hate even if it is packaged up with a pretty bow. 

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