Saturday, July 25, 2020

News Diversity

One ideology I wish to depart upon the masses is to NOT get your news information from one source (or only from viewpoints to which you agree).  All news is biased.  All news wants to manipulate.  You know the old saying, "Tell a lie three times and it becomes the truth."

Sadly, society believes what is pounded into our heads by the talking heads.  Don't fall for empty half-truth, incomplete, emotionally charged sound bites people post on Facebook and other social media and network news.  If you ever notice, people ONLY post their own points of view.  That's a sure sign of a weak mind that is easily manipulated.

In a weird way I don't blame Zuckerberg for not wanting to interfere with what people post.  What is the truth, anyway?  My truth is different than your truth.  Who is right?  Truth is dependent on who sees it as such. Once we go down that path of censorship path it's a slippery slope of who gets to decide what the truth is.

Everybody is so gung-ho on diversity, so why do we want to limit it on obtaining news information? 

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