Saturday, July 18, 2020

Birth Control and Viagra

I can't believe birth control pills are still an issue.  Which century are we living in?  Some employer health plans want to ban covering birth control pills as it's against their company philosophy.  Since when does an employer get to also be my doctor?  Birth control pills are prescribed for more than preventing pregnancy.  They are used to also treat endometriosis and ovarian cysts, which are very painful conditions.  Does my employer get to deny covering treatment for that when it's readily available?  

I've ranted about this before.  I sit on a health trust that once upon a time covered viagra but not birth control pills.  I lost it.  I put my foot down and was adamant about that if we cover one, we cover another.  There is no medical necessity for viagra other than ego.  That's not true for birth control pills.  We cover both now.  I was not going to back down. 

Bottom line:  If pregnancy is God's will, and that's the reason why some employers don't want to pay for birth control pills, then a limp dick is also God's will. 

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