Friday, June 7, 2019

The Journey Inward

I'm an introvert by nature.  What does that mean?  It means I generally find people exhausting.  Large parties and crowds are something I must endure.  It's hard to be an introvert in an extroverted world as we are outnumbered pretty much 4:1.  I live a quiet life in a noisy world.  I'd much rather be home reading, gardening, cooking, contemplating the big questions.

I'll stop there.  Contemplating the big questions.

You know the saying you are what you eat?  Well, I must now be a finely aged cabernet wine.  Mellow and smooth.  LOL.

I am mellowing as I age.  I am part of group of introverts speckled with a few extroverts here in Sonoma County who quietly get together to ask the 'big questions.'  We talk, journal, read, discuss, observe.  We challenge each others' viewpoints without judgement or anger. 

Here's what I'm getting to.  This process has brought me not only to my external observations/issues with the world, but also internal.  I'm beginning to recognize the hypocrisy within myself.  If I'm going to talk the talk, I'm going to walk the walk.

It's going to be a *very* long walk........

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