Sunday, June 9, 2019

2020 Census

It's coming up again, the census.  Who checks for accuracy when people fill it out?  All they can really count is how many get returned.  There's no way the government can verify the information that's on it.  The government is *not* that organized nor efficient.  What are they going to do if you don't fill it out, put you in census jail?  Jails and prisons are already overcrowded. 


Now, how do count those who are in the country illegally?  Should they be counted?  How is the government going to accurately count them should it be decided they should be included at all? 


I can hear the arguments from both sides as to whether or not illegal non-citizens should or should not be included.  Here's where we pull out our history books for resolution.  Let's revisit the 1787 Constitutional Convention.  Our Founding Fathers (some of whom had slaves) argued vehemently among themselves about whether or not slaves be counted for the census, which also determined the number of seats in the House of Representatives.  After much arguing and deliberation, the 3/5 compromise was struck.  Three out of five slaves would be included in the numbers. 

Let's be blunt.  Illegal immigrants are our modern day slaves.  We all use them, especially wealthy democrats from Marin.  It's so ironic that the bastion of blue-voting-equality-for-all democrats are the biggest consumers of slave labor.  Well, at least Marinites want to count them as people - as long as the slaves don't live anywhere near them and are otherwise out of site. 

See how little has really changed since our country was born?  If the 3/5 Compromise worked back then, why won't it work now?  That is assuming the government can do an accurate and thorough accounting.  Don't hold your breath. 

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