Friday, June 7, 2019

D Day

Yesterday was D Day.  What was D Day?  It was that infamous day that was the turning point for WWII.  The allied forces stormed Normandy to meet a wall of Nazi weapons and bullets. Not many of the veterans are left.  My fear is that once they are gone, history will repeat itself but perhaps with different names.

I had the opportunity to visit Normandy about 3 years and see first-hand Omaha Beach the the scars and pillboxes that are still there.  We also visited the American Cemetery.  I did not expect to get emotional, but I did.  It was moving like visiting the tomb of the unknown soldier in Washington, D.C.

Back to Normandy.  We were on a bus with other people during the tour.  There were two schools of thought on seeing people now enjoy the beaches with their families having picnics.  One school of thought by a veteran was that 'how dare they enjoy themselves on a sacred gravesite where so many died.'  The other veteran's point of view was that he was glad families were enjoying themselves on the beach, as freedom to do so was what he was fighting for.

Who is right? 

Both of them are. 

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