Saturday, June 29, 2019

Go Away

We are so bombarded with information coupled with people who want our attention it's exhausting.  You are exhausted, too, with the constant pings, dings, interruptions, pleas for joining whatever social cause, and click bait.  It's come down to this:

Do you owe me money? 

Do I owe you money?

If the answer is yes to any of the two above questions you have my attention.  If not, go away and don't bug me.  Don't email me, don't call me, don't try to get in my face for any reason whatsoever.  You will only enrage me.  I don't need you telling me what I should or should not purchase.  I don't need you telling me what I should or should not believe in.  I will immediately discard whatever you're trying to push on me.  Pestering me will not increase you're chances.  Leave me alone. 

Of course, this applies to those peddling goods and services and not personal friendships. 

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