Tuesday, November 28, 2017

As Souls

We are all as souls.  Say that out loud quickly.  As souls.  Some of us are bigger as souls than others. It's like that joke that has been going around for some time now, "Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you're an as soul."

There's a lot of truth to that.

As souls, we all have work to do on ourselves.  I'm really trying to embrace that each and every living thing has a glowing shard of what of once was the universal collective soul.  Like shattered glass shards, the collective universal soul was broken up into kabillions (I know that's not really a word) of bits and each of us has a little shard (not shart) and our purpose is to rejoin the little shards back to the universal God.  We are the broken Humpty Dumpty that fell off the wall and we need to be put back together again.

Moral of the story:  The next time somebody calls you an "as soul" turn around, give him/her the biggest, warmest smile and thank them.

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