Friday, February 3, 2017

UC Berkeley Protests

...oh gawd... I wasn't even going to comment on this.  Earlier this week those in Berkeley got all enraged because somebody had a view point different than their own.  Like I've said before... Liberals are all about "free speech" as long as it mirrors their own beliefs.  Their free speech tolerance is only if they agree. 


Most of the UC students are spoiled and privileged trust fund brats (a.k.a. limousine liberals) who never really worked a day in their lives but somehow think they are the ordained spokespeople for us common plebes and underprivileged.  I guess we are all too stupid to fend for ourselves and they need to SAVE us because they are SO smart and worldly. 

No, you have NOT felt our pain.  Thanks for your fake concern, but no thanks.  Your organic free trade-fat free-animal cruelty free latte is getting cold.  Better drink it.  ...and then fuck off. 

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